Sunday, March 28, 2010

Things To Think About When Hiring a New Media Team

I'm pretty lucky that I get to meet some amazing people doing what I do. Inevitably, I get a lot of questions on what we do and I do my best to answer them all but sometimes that can be tough to achieve. Especially if you meet at an event or a place where it's too loud to have a proper conversation. I've decided that I'm going to try to tackle some of those questions here, on Saturdays.

Then I'll just refer people here if they have a question. Lol! stat things off, Top Things to Think About when Hiring A New Media Company

1) Can you work with their team?
It's very important to hire someone in the business that hears your needs - and respects them - but is also willing to offer creative suggestions based on their experience and help you stand out from your competition. Communication is key and not everyone can communicate with one another. Pick a team you can work with.

2) Do you like their style?
Every New Media or production team has a different style and it's important to find someone who's work speaks to you in some way.

3) Will they work within your budget? Or can they?
Companies offer different prices for different reasons. It could be dependant on the crew they bring wherever they go, or it might be because they have years of experience behind them that can justify higher rates. Either way, most of us are used to clients with tight budgets. Communicate this with the team you hire. There are usually solutions to these kinds of problems.

4) How Firm are you on your deadline?
ometimes while negotiating terms, you might be able to reduce the cost significantly If you are not in a rush, the costs go up when you need a project completed overnight or with a 'rush' attached to it.

5) Do they have samples of work and possibly references?

Check out what they've done and speak to people they've worked with. It'll help you make a decision that is right for you and your company!

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